Monday, May 01, 2006

Of gunpowder treason and plot...

Remember, remember the 5th of November...

If there's one thing that makes me mad these days, it's this totalitarian government that we're living in. Why am I upset with the Bush Admin? Why not?

This government was founded by a group of people who found the stifling control by the Brits to be unbearable. Unfair taxation, forced observation of religion, restrictions upon personal freedoms - the list goes on. Yet, what do I see?

  • Domestic spying of US citizens
  • Administration using the States Secrets Priveledge ruling to deny further litigations into the domestic spying tactics
  • Complete disregard to environmental concerns
  • Imperialistic militarism
  • Economic mismanagement
  • Foreign policy problems
  • Killing off scientific spending
  • Nepotism
  • Shooting friends in the faces with shotguns

I'll just stop there for now - these were just the things I've seen in the news today. But I think others can add things to do this list. I have no doubt what-so-ever that this blog is now being scanned by the NSA - it's got plenty of keywords in it for their web 'bots.

Where are the calls for impeachment? Censures? A swift kick to the nuts? Bush's most recent polls are at 33%. What's more, 58% think he's doing a crappy job. And it's irritating because this government was formed with the idea that we can speak up and criticize our leaders (right to free assembly, free speach) yet, whether due to formal propaganda or not, it's considered unpatriotic to talk shit about the what this administration is doing.

I saw a bumper sticker the other day - "Blind faith is not true patriotrism". I wanted it - it captured the spirit of our times so well.

We need a V. At least someone who could take over a TV station and broadcast a message of discontent (donning a Guy Fawkes mask would be nice for theatrics). Someone who could rouse the populace into taking action.

As a side note, I think it's wonderful to see a million immigrants protest today. The boycotts of US products was a nice touch. I think it's true - people should not be afraid of their gov'ts (or what would happen without them), but rather gov'ts should fear their people. Bush, and any other president whether Democrat or Republican, should be deeply concerned and worried when 58% of the population don't like how they're doing their job.

58%! Imagine doing your job and you get a 33% job approval rating working at some corporation... (and this country really is turning into a corporation).

I was hoping venting would release this frustration - I think I'm going to go look for some gunpowder, a guy fawkes mask and some knives instead. If you don't hear from me in a while, assume I'm being kept in a dark room by the NSA.


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