Saturday, November 12, 2005

The funny thing about Zen...

I got a another Zen book last night from a late night escapade to Borders with Steph. Partly because of the pretty pictures, mostly because it was 5 dollars from the Bargain shelf, I decided to get it. While reading it this afternoon, I found the following passage quite fascinating:
One of the famous German thinkers, Count Keyserling, has written that health is irreligious. Illness has a religiousness about it because an ill person is sad, desireless - not because he has become desireless, but because he is weak. A healthy person will laugh, wants to enjoy, will be merry - he cannot be sad. So religious people have tried in many ways to make you ill: go on a fast, suppress your body, torture yourself. You will become sad, suicidal, crucified on your own. -Zen, its history and teaching by OSHO

I don't necessarily agree with the passage per se, but it's an interesting observation. Not that I think Zen is free from "self-crucifixion" either. In any case, it's food for thought.

In other news, I laughed at myself today about how "Zen-like" I am. Or rather, how Zen-like I am NOT. I think I can only truly enjoy a Zen-like attitude once I stop focusing on trying to be Zen-like, and instead just be Zen. I hope that made sense... I don't mean to sound mysterious in that Zen-like way... err... umm... never mind...


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