Monday, May 15, 2006

Honey... I'm home...

Emotional day today:
  1. Boredom: Meeting of all biologists in my lab at 10 am this morning (which accounts for about 60% of personnel. I hate meetings

  2. Panic / Depression: 10:10 am the head of the lab (my boss' boss) comes in telling us that we didn't get the grant for a new electron microscope (EM) and that NIH's primary concern was that we weren't fully utilizing our current microscopes. Which basically means that he wants the microscopes to be running for a minimum of 40 hours per week each week and our job reviews are going to be directly tied to the quanity and quality of the data sets we create. My probation is up in 2 more months... and I'm just learning this stuff. crappy. I hoep I have a job in 3 months.

  3. Focused concentration: 11:30 am - I started my first day of training on actually collecting data from an EM! I've been bugging the admin for months that I want to learn and finally I get my wish. woo hoo! (but man is there a lot to absorb...)

  4. Despair: 12 pm - steph informs me that the landlords of the top two picks from this weekend's rounds of apt searching won't rent us property for one reason or another. At least the reasons didn't have anything to do with our body odor...

  5. Fidgety midgety nervousness: 1 pm Steph contacts me and tells me that the landlords of the 1 br studio wants us as tenants. This is good news, but it's also troubling b/c I hope steph and I don't step on each other's toes for the next year.

  6. Relaxed movements: 5 pm - climbed at the climbing gym for 45 minutes.

  7. Relief: 6:30 pm - signed papers for lease. The place is bigger than I remember - this could be a good year on the beach.

  8. Tipsy relaxation: 7 pm - Steph and I celebrated by going to a nearby sushi restaurant and sharing a beer. Sweeeeeet.

New house - approx 400 - 500 sq ft 1 br 1 ba studio with two patios. Detached little cottage thingy on beach property. For those of you who know San Diego, I will soon be living behind Pizza port by the Solana Beach train station. BBQ anyone?


Blogger TJ Heibel said...

Sandi and I will be in SD June 27th through the 30th and you're so having us over. Congrats!

10:48 AM  

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