Saturday, March 03, 2007

Breakfast party? I'll bring the hickory smoked... whaaat?

In a few minutes, I'll be walking out the front door to go to my very first "breakfast party". What's a breakfast party? Basically a dinner party in the morning - pot luck style.

I wracked my brain for a few days trying to figure out what to bring. I'm not a breakfast person in general – Johnnie's been trying to get me to just eat any breakfast in the morning. I'm just not someone who completely enjoys sweet foods all the time - and it seems american breakfasts go along those lines: waffles, pancakes, toast with jam. The other stuff just seems repetitive some days - eggs and some kind of meat, etc. I know there's a whole host of other foods, but none of them come to mind / sound appetizing.

So I decided on my fallback plan of being cultural - it's something I typically do when in doubt. Therefore, I'm brining rice, spam and natto. For those of you unitiated in the ways of natto, it's fermented soy beans (basically it smells like rotting trash with stringy wisps of spiderweb like strands... mmmm... yummy!).

In other words, I've decided to be the jackass. Although stepping back from the entire cooking this morning I realized something really funny - my spam is hickory smoked and the other dish smells like ass. For those Dr Tran fans, I think they understand why this is so amusing...

by the way, I fully realize I'm also the jack ass this morning. Mmm... funny how that smells like natto sometimes. :)


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