Wednesday, April 02, 2008

benevolent dictatorships?

I was thinking the other day (yeah it happens occasionally) about what people attach emotionally when statements like "He's a dictator to his people and must be stopped!" are spoken. The word "dictator" seemed to have such a negative connotation I was struck by it.

Which got the little hamsters in my head to start really moving in their wheels: "but there are such things as "benevolent dictators".

Which made me consider God.

If you're a religiously inclined in a monotheistic deity, wouldn't it stand to reason that you're all for dictatorships? I mean - God being all powerful and all that seems to me like a benevolent dictator. He dictates / speaks / smites / enacts to the benefit of his people (whoever that may be). So... if you believe in his rule, then you must consider that his style of governing over his people and kingdom to be just... therefore... dictatorships are not necessarily bad?

I know, I know - the key word here is "benevolent". God's the only dude we can trust to be completely altruistic. Still - just a random thought for the day that maybe if Saddam was a really really *really* nice guy, he should have stayed in office. Although I suppose the random kiddnappings and torture kinda marred his record for benevolence, didn't it?


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