Monday, May 23, 2005

I'm getting old...

anyone know any good remedies for a messed up shoulder?

I'm not even sure how I did it - I'm having trouble lifting my arm IN ONE ORIENTATION. It's strange... any Physical therapists reading this, please comment!

If this doesn't heal, I'll have to learn one armed dyno's for my climbing really fast... maybe I can get sponsored this way?

A giant naked butt...

... is on the corner of Crescent Heights and Sunset Blvd in Los Angeles. It's an eye catching billboard, to say the least. The light to go north on Crescent Heights is a long wait and the average driver, in their attempt to NOT make eye contact with any other human being, looks around and sees a dark naked butt of a (presumablly) curvaceous woman in her mid-20's with no kids to speak of (the last part is just an assumption of my imagination...). I think it's an ad for blue jeans, but I could be wrong (there are no blue jeans on this bill board... just a butt).

The model is lying on her stomache - but that's just an assumption since all one can see is from mid thigh to an inch or two above the ass fissure (aka butt crack).

So a few thoughts - LA isn't exactly the most liberal cities (it's not conservative per se either... but still). How do they get away with what's obviously an ad reaching out to heterosexual males (and homosexual females) with a healthy libido with A NAKED BUTT?

As I drove away heading north on Crescent heights into the Hollywood Hills, I wondered how many guys questioned their sexual orientation when they considered the possibility that it's a very effeminate guy's butt plastered across. It is a billboard close to West Hollywood - a city with several openly gay city councilmen.

Then I wondered how many relationships went through an argument as one significant other noticed the other staring at this 20 foot high, brightly lit sexual poster, drooling over their imaginations about what the butt was connected to...

Then again, maybe I think too much on this stuff.

In any case, I'm all for freedom of expression - and the questions that follows from expressions. As long as it doesn't make me want to be a consumer and buy some red clams.

Thursday, May 19, 2005

1st blog EVER

Woo hoo! After countless hours (or minutes - time drags on for the unemployed) of trying to come up with a name for this blog AND a suitable url address, the blog is up.


I will now attempt to establish permanent diplomatic ties with the People's Republic of South Germany. I hope they like curry, beer and clean kitchens as a tribute to start negotiations. Wish me luck!