Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Hallow's Eve

It's Halloween tonight. I know most of my friends are out looking forward to dressing up, hosting parties, and expecting kids to delightfully knock on thei doors for the goodies that hey should enjoy tonight. I however, like to spend this holiday pondering about the meaning of Death - something i enjoy doing to appreciate life.

The Pagans believe that tonight is the night when the veil between this world and the next is thinnest. It's tonight when it is easiest to commune with spirits. Hence the ease with which kids can pose as "spirits" and extort candy from the living ;) pure brilliance if you ask me. Of course, the capitalism has kinda altered the meaning of "spirits" these days, but whatever. :)

In any case, tonight my thoughts go to those who have moved on. I'm thinking of my brother, a friend in Japan who may have OD'ed on sleeping pills, and others who are gone this year. I don't feel sad tonight... just wondering if they're in a better place. It's strange to me to think how importanti is to those of us in this world that there is some hope ofrelease into a better life when this one ends.

In any case, I think a few moments of silence and a couple candles lit in the dark is how I'm going to enjoy tonight :)

EMO? Perhaps, but I think it's good to consider those who are gone so we can cherish the moments we have with those who are still with us. I feel like I'm a happier person for it :)

Sunday, October 07, 2007

The irony of it all

Friday was a most momentous day where Noel and I took a trip to the oral surgeon at 8:30 am to go get my wisdom teeth removed. It was glorious! A quick trip to the seat, I get some fresh oxygen over my nose, an arm stabilizer for the IV (oh yeah, an IV), and some legal meds to knock me out. 20 minutes later, I feel uber-refreshed (although I don't rembmer much... apparently I was babbling about feeling like I just climbed a multi-pitch route and wanting the first lead or something), and I am now 4 wisdom teeth lighter.

The last few days have been simple. Follow instructions, eat soft foods, gauze pads, etc etc.

I was looking forward to a complete recovery by tomorrow.

Unfortunately, somewhere along the line I think I picked up an illness. I'm feeling weak, coughy and feverish... *sigh*. There goes the perfect recovery...