Friday, January 26, 2007

woo hoo!!!!

going bouldering in jtree tomorrow!!!!!!!!!

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Monday, January 22, 2007

Vegetating after being carnivorous

eating over 1 lbs of meat causes one to become a vegetable. I feel this is an irony of life.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Hrm... this isn't healthy...

I'm bored. Very very bored. With the exception of a few things going on (climbing trips, hanging out with Johnnie) very little has been exciting to me lately. This is bad - last time things got this way I started getting depressed.

When not doing the things that I look forward to, I seem to be doing things to "pass the time". I feel like I need some goal to be working towards. My student friends are all working towards a degree, my working friend are working towards that promotion or move to a different field office, or to make a name for themselves. I used to work towards being the best climber I could be... but lately with all of my injuries, I've started to feel this stifling sense of a self-imposed cap on my upward progress. And that leaves me with little else to work towards.

I hate whiny posts. so I think I'll end this one here and see if I can't find something new and novel...

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Would we interrrupt this program?

Random thought: Do you suppose a network such as CNN or FoxNews would interrupt their commericial breaks if a nuclear missile was fired somewhere in the world? Or would they wait till the commercials would end?

Sunday, January 07, 2007

lack of climbing is good for the neurosis...

Grr... nearly a month now with no climbing. I can feel myself getting antsier each day. Starting to have problems sitting still... :(

It's times like these that I hate being injured. I truly dislike having to limit myself in having fun - part of the allure of climbing is to feel free in the movement and the moment. I don't get that these days because both knees are acting oddly, as well as both shoulders being permanently injured (at least it seems that way).

To pass the time till I can climb again, I've taken to playing Go, spending more time on youtube, and cleaning things with a stack of Q-tips.

Gotta go now - the space between each key on my keyboard needs a good cleaning now...

Friday, January 05, 2007


I sit and wait - for what, I'm not sure. I hope it gets here soon.