Friday, July 29, 2005

Smash the TJ

Going to hang out with my old buddy TJ - there will be much death and destruction.

I plan on taking him by the collar, flinging him upwards into the air and then kicking him with a spiraling backflip while he plummets to the ground. On his second plummet down, I will grab the magic green turtle shell, ricochet it off the nearby brick wall and smash him to the piping. Once he's open for the kill, I'll take the flashing magic hammer from the sky and smash him off the screen (stupid green dinosaur!)!

And that is my plan. if I could, I'd wrap that little tongue of his around Mario's head and snap him back to the egg spawning 8 bit game system that created him.

but more likely than not, I'll just drink to his health.

good thing he doesn't look like Master Chief.... otherwise, I'd plasma grenade his head.

Saturday, July 16, 2005

Woo hoo!

Finally! Got a secure wireless line at home. I'm going to update you all on new musings - they all involve gorillas, overalls and the Phillipino Mafia.

That's after I get caught up on my online Halo playing. Come play with me (I'll be the gore splattered Master Chief running around with the assault rifle)!

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

lack of cyberspace makes OB something something...

... *bzzzt* ... *bzzzzzt*.....ignal is weak. Don't know how long I can keep this transmis...

...I ha... been kept away from being jacked into cyberspace and therefo... *bzzzt*...ttempting a temporary piggy back on... wireless network.

Don't know how much *bzzt*onger I can stay alive. Send word for *bzzt*.... .... ....

.... Hopefully by the end of this week, I'll have a permanent network established to connect to the Net. Until then, I need to ... *bzzzzt*....