ghood moh-ning...
Went to the dentist this morning for a 7 am appointment to do a "deep tissue cleaning". I have periodontal disease - for many (like myself) that means little. Basically it just means that I have crap built up underneath my gums that's going to make my teeth fall out unless I do something about it. And today, I woke up at 6 am to go get my gums numbed and have the crap scraped off my teeth.
So I sit here in front of my computer making funny faces. You know the ones where your face is numb and you're sitting there slapping your own face like an idiot to see if the numbing is wearing off. Speaking of - how dumb is that? You're testing to see when the numbness is gone by intentionally trying to hurt yourself (*slap*... no not yet... *slap*.. no... not yet... *slap*... owww... ok, I think it's coming back *SLAP*... OWWWW... yup... it's back).
So along with the slapping and the funny face making (I think I can feel certain muscle groups coming back.... others are still kinda numb), I'm also poking myself in the face. And sorta going blind. The anesthetic that they use to numb the nerves in your mouth apparently go all the way up to your lower eyelid. For a while, I couldn't tell if I was closing my eyes or not (ok, aside from the darkness that comes when your eyes are shut). Apparently it's normal - so I just sat there and enjoyed the feeling of half my face going numb :). Incidentally, the anesthetic is now starting to wear off so I'm in this weird limbo state where half my nose is itching, but I can't feel myself scratching it. Oh well - suppose could be worse.
In any case, half of mouth is certifiably clean now after 2 hours in the dentists' chair. All I have left is to go remove the wisdom teeth and do the other half of my mouth.
Finally, I'd just like to say that with your face numb, you really really notice how your face must feel to other people who might touch it. And I'd like to say that my face is very very soft (or possibly enflamed...). *poke poke poke... slap*